Flip a TV channel and there will undoubtedly
be a drug commercial aimed at treating
some ailment--from allergies and cholesterol,
to smoking cures.
Watching them is enough to cause depression. If you have trouble sleeping, there’s a drug
which allows blissful sleep--but be careful--
the side affects may put you on Cloud 9:
hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your
face, lips, tongue, or throat.
The warnings also include that one should not
drive or pilot an airplane while taking the drug.
No kidding...
Erectile dysfunction can be alleviated
with a drug, but if it works too well,
see your doctor. How does a fella do that?
Wear a dress?
Another drug for kicking the nicotine
habit shows a cheery-faced woman who
says she didn’t think she could ever quit the habit.Side effects of the 'marvelous' drug may include: thoughts of suicide, or the attempts thereof; depression, paranoia, hallucinations, confusion, mania, and dangerous impulses.Good grief! Sounds like a Steven King novel…I’m lucky to have a drug-free medicine cabinet. Except for the occasional aspirin--now wheredid I put that bottle? There’s probably a drug for that…

“Hey, Tom! Looks like we need to replace the weather stripping--wha-at is that?" I said as I looked closer at the now open sliding door. I took the end of the flattened black strip and pulled it out from under the door--
a long, black, slightly crumpled indigo snake.
Just the thing to kick start my early morning,
with a foggy head, before my coffee. I quivered as I went outside, depositing the
smelly snake in the bushes.
I was also thinking of the many times we
leave the doors open to get some early morning
cool air into our warm house.
What are we inviting in that we don’t know about? When we first moved into our home, I
found two scorpions in our bedroom. It’s easy for skinny creatures to creep onto
the lanai, with the open grooves in the pool
decking leading out from the pool cage enclosure. I’ve thought of plugging up the outside channels
to keep snakes and wolf spiders from creeping
onto the decking--nothing like seeing a questionable
snake, sunning itself by the pool--or a huge
furry spider tucked under the pool coping. I have some cleaning to do in the house. What’s lurking in the corners?
Watching football all day on Sunday is enough todrive a sane wife nuts. Don't get me wrong--football can be exciting--with all those'tight ends' running around...I was a big 49er fan during the Joe Montanadays: Joe and Clark, Craig, Paris, Rice, and Lottkept the excitement in high gear.The Niners final game score often hit the stratosphere.They inspired a big love for the game.We now watch the Patriots, rooting forTom Brady--since Jen went to high school with Tom,and shared a class or two.Yes, there’s little movement coming fromthe men during Sunday football. Maybe a grunt or two…or an outburst in response to a stupid play.After several hours of channel-flipping-betweengames, the remote is barely juiced by the timeI want to use it to turn on Desperate Housewives.Shoot! D.S. isn't on.Instead, I sit plugged into my earphones andportable dvd player, watching a couple of Laverneand Shirley episodes.A few outbursts of my own drew glances from the guys,wondering what I was laughing at.When football season comes to a screeching halt,what are our men going to do on Sundays?Rosie Greer took up needlepoint.Hmmm…

Cruiser, our resident duck,has ducked out. MIA--hopefully, notDOA for someone’s Thanksgiving feast.Tom swears he saw the errant, feathered,waddled duck last week perched high upona distant neighbor’s roof .If so, Cruiser’s got the right idea aboutstaying off the meat platter…Thinking back to the last time I sawducky, I was crouched down to his level--we were nearly beak to nose.He stared at me, with his beak slightlycracked open. Paul held Daisy, our lovebird,behind the lanai pool screen.Daisy and Cruiser had became fast friendsover the last few months.I stood up and handed Cruiser a pieceof whole grain bread--that he snatched tooenthusiastically, along with my finger.“Ouch,” I yelped, shaking my reddenedfinger tip at Cruiser.Paul was laughing, and Daisy was chirpingher high-pitched screechy chirp.Yes, that may have been the last strawfor Cruiser.My finger-wagging that day may havequacked him out, and sent him alongon his butt-waddling way.Come back, you straggly, head-tweakyol’ duck…we miss you!

We’ve had digital cable for a few months now. There must be 200 channels, so why is it so hard to find something to watch? Some really good movies are televised overnight and during the early morning hours. Tom always says "Why can’t they show this program in the evening?" And how many times is The Shawshank Redemption and Arachnophobia going to be shown? Tom likes The Military Channel when military aircraft is profiled. Otherwise, it seems like a recycled History Channel. Just as we get hooked on a newly discovered series, Destination Truth, the series is running the season finale . We’re watching the older D.S. shows On Demand; makes one think about the eyes caught glowing yellow-red in our woods one night… Ghost Hunters is creepy fun, especially when there's actually something peculiar and eerie caught on film or audio. The TAPS team would have had a field day in our California home… Spooks and hairy creatures aside, Channel surfing through the Guide is what we all do. It doesn’t take Paul long to settle on UFC. We’ve gone from seeing Anthony Zimmern drinking goat’s blood with Masai, to trailing blood on Randy Couture. I keep a good Chocoholic mystery by Jo Anna Carl on my lap. I’ve been watching some classic and very funny Netflix Laverne and Shirley; also the quirky series, Arrested Development and Seinfeld on Jetflicks.com on my phone. Give me a good laugh, any time…
My friend, “Mark” recently went through
some of his son’s belongings left behind
when he moved out of state.Mark needed some advice on shipping box sizes. There were two large duffel bags filledwith bulky items and a few grade F pornoflicks stuffed inside of a brown paper bag.The discovery didn’t surprise Mark.His son had a couple of roommates at thetime and Mark figured these moviesbelonged to them. I’ve never seen orwanted to view a pornographic movie.When Tom and I went to Copenhagenyears ago, we went to a very "popular"section of the city, Vesterbro.Along the Istergade were buildings with
huge windows illuminated with bright
colored lighting. Looming above the street,
seductive women posed in the colorful windows.A movie theater announced the showing ofEmmanuelle. A number of American touristswere streaming into the theater.
In no way was I going to that movie.
Tom thought it would be a lark to see a
soft porno flick in Copenhagen.Nah-uhh, no way Jose...We continued to walk the street of ill-repute,ogling, with eyes-popped.Store windows displayed devices whichlooked as though they belonged to the FrenchInquisition, or Caligula’s House of Joy.Some of the stuff was so wild, I was imaginingthe instruction manual must be enormous….I eventually found a huge box for Markand all his son's stuff. Mark decided to
keep some of the items of clothing after all.The shipping would be too costly.As for the brown paper bag, it was no where in sight…

Naples hosted its first International Film Festival. I was sitting in Books-A-Million at Mercatolast Thursday when a a group of tall andexceptionally handsome Italian men walkedinto the café for coffees.The third thing I noticed about them were their shoes: shiny, black and barely out of Reptile Junction Shoe Emporium.The well-dressed men slithered past me,
slim and model-like--no bulging gym muscles
creeping out from their designer shirts.The air smelled wonderfully fragrant.I haven’t smelled anything that knee-melting and sweat-inducing in a long time.One gorgeous man looked over at me and smiled broadly, his teeth sparkling snow-blinding white.Wouldn’t it be cool if they were producers or directors and wanted me in a film I daydreamed,missing the sip of my tea, and dribbling tea droplets down my Marshall’s top.I dabbed and snapped back to reality as the group of men flowed past me one more time, speaking Italian. Snow White smiled, and I smiled back, flashing my Crest Whitestrips teeth.Tom picked me up a few minutes later.As I slid into the car, a salty-sweat scent filled my nose. That’s my guy…I know what I’m getting Tom: one of those scented tree hangers for the car.I wonder if they come in Calvin or Ralph Lauren scents?Ahhh.
It’s that time of year again when
craziness descends in the form of
two-legged, pushing and shoving
humanoids, who have just squeezed
into the last known mall parking space on the face of the earth.Beam me up! Now, please, before
the multitude of swarming, caffeinated
creatures, embodied with special sale
radar and nudging elbows suck me into
their hive of madness.Scene 1:Buy 1 and get 1 at 110% off!! Huh…?Swarm, buzz…Scene 2:The head-wrapped kiosk man withOmar Sharif eyes is demonstrating
an amazing flying toy, acrobatically
diving and swooping.Omar zeroes in on me since I foolishly
looked over at him.“No, no thanks,“ I reply.He’s swooping the toy back and forth.“Okay, only if it can fly me up
and away from here!”“You crazy lady, go away--no come back.” Another Seinfeld moment.My Kodak moments are getting
slimmer and slimmer...Scene 3:I’m trying to find a wedge of space
to see what’s on a sale rack of clothes.Ladies with vulture sized handbags
are flinging and shoving coat hangers
of polyester and silk…I’m suddenly thinking of a nice hot cup
of vanilla caramel tea within the
comfort of my four walls.Scene 4:I slink and dodge the invading
masses of female flesh navigating
down the aisles, some of whom are
wearing athletic shoes;others are perched
precariously in stilettos.
I find the exit door, and finally, my car.Scene 5:Home never looked so good as I seat
myself at the computer, sipping my tea.Online shopping is great: I find some used, almost new books on Amazon for a penny.I continue to weave my way through
the World Wide Web, until I hit the
Black Widow of Cyberspace:the servers are down--please try again later.Bah-humbug…
I hate standard time.The morning light jars me awake
around 5:30, which might be okay
if I was 12 and had a paper route …So, trying to fall asleep again is liketrying to teach an alligator to roll over.The birds are awake early, chirpingfull trottle, and the pool pump next dooris droning a few feet from our bedroom window.Give me back my enjoyable eveninglight, when I could sit at the diningroom table during dinner and look outat the woods, illuminated with theglowing colors of the setting sun:Trees fringed with lavender and gold...Now, while I cook dinner, the windowsare dark, and my eyes are getting droopy.It feels like 10:00.Looking ahead to six months of progressingdarkness puts me in hibernation mode… zzzz
The holidays are fast upon us, and withthat, all the planning--like what shouldI fix this Thanksgiving and Christmas?I have the holiday cooking magazinesfilled with pages of gorgeous tables ladenwith delicious food.I always have the best intentions ofbaking some of the mouth-wateringconfections, or serving somethingother than turkey, like a Leg of Lamb,which is often hard to find in my market.I could probably get away withLeg of Bunny or Roasted Armadillo--easyto find around our neck of the woods.Speaking of neck, Cruiser hasn’t waddledinto our yard for almost 3 weeks.Maybe I ruffled its feathers by lesseningits tortilla chip or bread handouts…Sure miss the fat and feathered old guy--or gal.Hmm, I wonder…