Watching football all day on Sunday is enough to
drive a sane wife nuts. Don't get me wrong--
football can be exciting--with all those
'tight ends' running around...
I was a big 49er fan during the Joe Montana
days: Joe and Clark, Craig, Paris, Rice, and Lott
kept the excitement in high gear.
The Niners final game score often hit the stratosphere.
They inspired a big love for the game.
We now watch the Patriots, rooting for
Tom Brady--since Jen went to high school with Tom,
and shared a class or two.
Yes, there’s little movement coming from
the men during Sunday football. Maybe a grunt or two…
or an outburst in response to a stupid play.
After several hours of channel-flipping-between
games, the remote is barely juiced by the time
I want to use it to turn on Desperate Housewives.
Shoot! D.S. isn't on.
Instead, I sit plugged into my earphones and
portable dvd player, watching a couple of Laverne
and Shirley episodes.
A few outbursts of my own drew glances from the guys,
wondering what I was laughing at.
When football season comes to a screeching halt,
what are our men going to do on Sundays?
Rosie Greer took up needlepoint.
I have to admit that football is not huge in my house, despite having sons. Only one is really interested, and the hubby prefers Sci-fi movies.
Oh my gosh, if they're anything like my hubby and his friends there is always basketball and after that there will be baseball and the list goes on and on. Mine has gone as far as to buy the NBA Package where you see all the old games from the 70's.
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