Zap that bird! My left eyeball hasn’t met up with the right one this morning. I’m droopy-tired, along with Tom--we were both awakened at the crack of dawn by a highly energized dove. Even earplugs barely drowned out the incessant cooing.I got up, and in my brain-haze, made a strongcarafe of coffee, poured it and quickly knocked the full thermos over onto the counter. I swear I heard that dove mocking me…A couple of years ago, we were plagued by a highly vocalized bird in the woods that soundedlike an escapee from the Amazon rain forest. Its repetitious melody echoed throughout the woodsat a ghastly hour for several nights. I never caught sight of the feathered creature--lucky for it, since I wasenvisioning the bird’s spiraling descent from its lofty perch. Our lovebird, Daisy, has acquired some new screeches into her repertoire of bird noises. Since her recent surgery.she’s aggravated by the meds she’s forced to ingest every day.Daisy’s lucky that we’re so patient with her, with the woods only yards away…

Everything slows down with age, as the saying goes.Heading out to the Coconut Grove Art Festival Sundaywith Jen drove that saying right into the ground.Older drivers, many of whom need a booster seatwhile driving, were defying the laws of motion,squeezing themselves tightly between cars. I spentmost of the drive gasping and inventing new cuss words…Nothing phases Jen at all, driving the Capsule[what she calls her Tribute] with expert reflexes,though I was white-knuckled most of the trip, commentinghow glad I was to live on the quieter sideof Florida. If I’d had dentures, they would have flown out or been swallowed.I know my eyes socket-popped a few times…When we finally made the last left turn to the festival,we picked out Pay and Go parking, only a few blocks away.Should have been called Pay and Go Broke Parking.After inserting a credit card, and selecting the timeamount, we waited for the transaction to complete andprint out a parking voucher.Ha! I think the transaction was routed through Siberia.Nothing happened.I thought of inserting cash, but couldn’tfind the money slot. Coins Only, Jen told me. Like people are carrying a wad of quarters…After trying another parking kiosk across the street, we finally had our ticket.The festival was packed.We walked a few inches at a time along the tented streets,downwind of Cuban cigar smoke and expensive perfumes.Craning our necks to see some of the exhibited artists, wewobbled around leashed gorilla-sized and dust mop-sizeddogs to view the artist displays.After 4 hours and probably as many walking miles, wefound the car and hopped in and drove off with visionsof Bimini Bread at the Islamorada Fish Company occupyingour hungry thoughts…the streets were light and we madeall the green lights. I supposed drivers had made it tothe Early Bird and Happy Hour specials by then.Miami is a real experience if one has steel nerves.I mellowed out, enjoying the beautiful sunset as we drove from Miami to Bass Pro Shops in Dania, near
Ft. Lauderdale. High rises shimmered pink and gold.Yes, everything is supposed to slow down with age,except the time it took for Bimini Bread to reach my hips…Mmm, good!
I’ve been noticing a lot of “ink” lately.Colin, dear reader and prolific food
blogger, you didn’t think I’d blog about tats?
Ha!Everything and everyone is possiblefood for my blog--so belly up!What makes someone entrust theirtender, unmarked skin to a virtual stranger?The tattooer looks at the tattooeeand sees a desert of unclaimed skin--soon to be a work of art.With my luck, the needle would clogand spit out a series of connect-the-dots.Anyway, if I saw a needle pointed at me,I’d scream and run the other way.Besides, a person needs a good, firmstretch of skin for the artist’s jabbing.I’m more like lemon meringue, kindof soft and fluffy, but I’m working onit. I hope to be firm as a scone soon…Colin, see what your food blogs do to me?Getting back to inking up…I couldn’t and wouldn’t think of lettingDrago, Bronk, or Helga poke me with a needle.No way.I’d have to be wrapped in mummy cloth first…I just knew something was up whenJen thought she did a good job ofhiding her impulsive piece of fish artfrom me a few years ago--but not for long.I have the special gift of Knowing...As time progresses, I hope those tigers,dragons, fairies and fish won’t mutiny--collapsing into a valley of sagging, wrinkledskin--along with fallen arches… Heh-heh…
The humor quadrant of my brain is slightlyexhausted from my last blog: brother Michael thought my friend’s wake upremedy was ‘out in left field’--[something’ sure was]!Mike feels someone should have jostled the man awake.Jostle? Wiggle? way, given the bulk,height and grumpy ratio of the man.He ought to be glad I didn’t alert Eye-Witness News…Speaking of things that sort of pop into one’sline of sight, I have to say I haven’t receivedany error messages, exceptions, or HD failuresfor at least a year. I’m talking pc problems here…What a segue…Don’t you love getting strange, cryptic messagesacross a black or blue screen? An exception atOe71312 in doppelgangerWz67x.3oe62has occurred.No kidding? Is there a fast-ball remedy for it?[you have to have read the previous blog to get my drift].Like I know what the heck that message refers to,or what to do with it. I bet a caveman wouldknow its meaning…The origin is not of this planet--I think space aliens in human form are working in the pc labs…Too bad there isn’t some device that can warnyou of the kind of day one is going to have:Cryptic, in-your-face, whatever.I can always count on one thing, at least: Cruiser,our stomach-with-a-neck resident duck…
Excuse me, but your 'apostrophe' is showing.Oops! How do you confront someone who glaringly, hassomething undone--like a crucial button or zipper--or has a pair of windows-to-the-world shorts on?Recently I was walking into my favorite bookstore café in Naples and was suddenly confronted by anunfortunate display of manly 'goods'…who doesn’t likehanging out in a cozy café…?Now, I have nothing against the 'boys' and theirsidekick. They’re perfectly fine if they’re wellbehaved--but they have their place--and shouldstay there, not wandering around for some fresh air…If Chief Spread-Eagle had been Fabio or DenzelI wouldn’t have minded too much--for a little while.Anyway, the café was beginning to buzz a bit as a couplemore people walked in and took notice of the 'sideshow'.I suggested to my two bookstore friends, that one of
them should nudge the hulking man awake, and tell
him to close his gap.
Nothing doing. Big chickens..By now, the female employees were very awareof the predicament, but were hesitant to approach,the man, hoping that he might wake up soon.The sleeping exhibitionist finally was aroused fromhis nap, after one of my friends tossed a napkin ball
at the man’s chest, hoping to wake him.He looked over at my friends, and my friend
pointed down past the man's equator…After a few adjustments, the spectacle was over.He hasn’t been seen since…
I read an article recently about brandnames being used in blogs. Apparently theFTC can come after bloggers if any brandssuch as Crest, etc, is mentioned.Yep, as of Dec 1, 2009, new laws went intoeffect about so-called endorsements.The FTC considers any mentioning ofbrands by bloggers as possible endorsementsdispensed with company backdoor free samples.‘Paid’ endorsements must be stated in the blog article.Ha! I’m looking over my shoulder, and don’tsee any funny men in strange FTC suits withYosemite Sam mustaches and Hercule Poirotcomb-overs…yet.So, if I write that I love my new pair of Dr. Scholl’ssandals, please don’t come after me--I boughtthem at ‘Wally World’--and no--Walmartdoesn’t give me any freebies…Maybe I shouldn’t mention that Twizzlersgave my friend heartburn, and needed to take…