I've come to the decision that pc's aren't meant to last.
With scrupulous maintenance, updates--all that's required for
a reliable computer--the pc turns into The Terminator.
My 7-year-old pc died an unexplainable death in October, 2008.
I replaced it with a highly recommended pc.
All the specs that one could possibly want was
packed the new system. A huge hard drive for my digital files
was of utmost importance.
Yesterday, my faithfully running machine took a nose dive.
I tried different things to get it fully booted.
No luck.
The hard drive failed.
I didn't have all of my digital photos backed up.
Big mistake, you're saying...
So right.
I'm poaching my son's laptop.
I'm expecting a new hard drive in about 2 weeks.
I can't get the hang of the laptop--I'm used to a mouse!
Anyway, I'm blogging today.
I hope to post with my own photographs soon.
Any photos that I use now on my blog are from Paul's file.
Many are of California, the coast, and areas around Sonoma County.
Others are Florida shots.
Thanks to all of you in Cyber-ville for reading
my blogs. I enjoy doing them, and will continue to write them
from the laptop.
The humor will return, I promise!
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