Put a glass of wine in front of me, or any
alcoholic drink, and the vapors will get me giddy.
Alcohol is a foreign substance to my bloodstream.
Only occasionally will I even have a beer.
Something happens after one glass: I start
giggling over the slightest things.
You’d think that an Irish gal would tolerate
alcohol better than I do.
Jen and I went out recently to Uno Chicago
Grill for Happy Hour--which, in my case,
is an understatement.
No sooner had I taken a few sips of my Bud,
that I began giggling. Tears down my face hysterics.
Jen began laughing too, since it’s contagious.
Thank goodness, my outburst only lasted a
couple of minutes.
Once, Jen and I went to a members reception and
art exhibition at the von Liebig Art Center.
I’d already enjoyed half a glass of Cavit Grigio.
We stepped up to a piece on exhibit: a wood carving
of the male form. Needless to say, I began erupting,
and made a comment, ”That’s quite a 'diplodocus'. "
Jen was laughing uncontrollably.
Unfortunately, the artist was standing next to us…
Believe me, the statue was disproportional.
Tonight, I’m exhibiting a photograph, Aspen Glow,
in a juried show, the 48th Founder’s Exhibition
at the von Liebig.
There will be tables of food, wine and entertainment.
I’ll definitely eat something before I have any wine.
I sure hope I don’t run into Diplodocus II...